Sunday, April 7, 2013


If I could suggest one thing that society could do for the betterment of itself, I would suggest that everyone listened to what other people were saying.  There are so many different reasons that this crazy idea should come to fruition, the main one being because it is so damn easy!  When having a conversation, more than half of your job is to listen to what the other person is saying, otherwise you are having a conversation with yourself.  By not listening, people miss out on the easiest and most informative way of learning.
Once people started to listen, so many major problems would be solved.  The first one would be that these politicians that are in complete control of us would most likely be out of power.  When people listen, they hear what others have to say.  When they hear what others have to say, it subconsciously forces them to think.  Once people get to thinking, they are compelled to do research.  Once people do research, these politicians are clear out of luck.  So many embarrassing policies have been pulled over on us simply because these people have been put into office by people who go with whatever their community is saying, etc. Once people learn to think for themselves and realize that the community is not always in their best interest, they will not let others rule their lives, making society better for that many more individuals.
The other effect that listening would bring about is that so many people will feel much more necessary to society, and even if their initial ideas are dumb, they will continue to think so they can contribute information to other peoples' minds.  This could release the next genius of a generation, revealing ideas that no one would have thought of or expressed otherwise.  Although some esteems should not be high, many deserve more credit than they get.  When people don't listen to someone, it takes away the point of talking, making someone question why he or she is even opening his or her mouth.  This is super discouraging and eventually leads to the suffocation of their thoughts and to an absent theory in somebody else's mind.
If every person in society would just bring themselves to listen to the things around them, everyone would be so much more learned and we would truly live in a better and more knowledgable society.            

1 comment:

  1. "Narrator: When people think you're dying, they really, really listen to you, instead of just..
    Marla Singer: Instead of just waiting for their turn to speak?" wooooo, Fight Club, yeah! I thought this was relevant to your post. It'll be a sad, sad day when all people have to dying to be heard. Anywho, we're running low on Listeners. We need more Listeners. Upgrade those Listeners to Appliers and we'll be set.
