Sunday, March 10, 2013


A personal philosophy of mine is that nothing that happens in life should be forced.  There is no point in stressing yourself out over an event that probably shouldn't even happen.  I believe that the universe holds a powerful energy, and the energy is within all of us, and leads us to where we're truly supposed to be.  This is why I agree with the Nation of Muslim's idea of no integration.  Of course, at this point in time, I'm am so thankful that America didn't see the same truth as I do in the idea, but I cannot fathom why anyone would want to be in a situation that they're not truly welcome in.  This just does not make sense to me.
Ever since white people entered America, they found a way to make people different from them feel lesser and helpless.  This is simply because these groups have not found it important (or possible) to stand up for themselves and their personal rights.  This was seen by the whites, and they took complete advantage of it.  They took the land, money, jobs, resources, everything.  This was completely unfair, but people being discriminated against should realize this and not stand for it anymore.  They tried marching, they tried speaking out against it, but nothing was truly working.  Because I am a person with short patience, I would have gotten out of that environment ASAP.  The blacks were being treated like shit! They had no rights to vote, be in the same vicinity as whites, they couldn't even ride the bus in the same way.  I personally would not have put up with that stuff and I would have left.
Integration, now that is has happened, is so amazing.  All of the different views we are exposed to everyday of our lives open us up to a new outlook, and a new way of life.  It allows us to know that there are others out there living in this same world, going through polar opposite experiences.  It allows us to appreciate other cultures, and it leaves less room for power trips based on false qualities.  Integration was definitely the move, but looking back on the times, when nobody really had any idea of what was going to happen in the future, I would have not supported it back then.  The minorities put up with too much for the diversification of our society today.

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