Saturday, June 1, 2013


"Values" is an interesting concept in the way that one can so strongly believe something one day and then the next, that idea can be completely erased from their mind.  Nobody wants to accept the fact that their ideals change, but they do.  And quite subtly soon.  This is why I'm very excited to write this blog post now and then revisit it in about 2 years, tracking my growth and comparing my current values to today's.  That being said, let us delve into my top ten values at this moment.  

1)  You can learn something from everyone.  

Even if you are observing someone that made the greatest mistake of their life and ended up in prison, there is still so much to learn from them.  Of course, it might be hard to relate to their situation, no action passes in vain.  Everything someone does creates an experience. If you interact with someone who is very boring, you can observe them and learn how to be not-boring.  As long as you are open and searching, knowledge will come.  

2)  Listen more than you speak.

Pertaining to my value above, this next one is extremely important.  There are those people in life (the majority) who wait for their turn to talk.  You may think you're on one subject and having a great conversation, and then one of these people enter in again with something having nothing to do with what you just said.  They're not learning in life, they're missing out.  Nobody is all-knowing, and when you listen to those who think they are, you may learn how to not be a snob.

3)  Do what you want to do.

Absolutely no one that you will ever run into will have the ability to make you do something, and this is an idea that is forgotten by many.  Too many people are so influenced by others that they lose a sense of their true sense.  People don't do what they want to do anymore, voiding the world of passion and originality.  Dress how you want to dress, talk how you want to talk, this is the way you will find those friendships that last because there is no hiding who you truly are.

4)  Mow your lawn (plant your garden).

Although looks are not everything, people who own a house with an un-mowed lawn are a burden to everyone.  First off, they are not keeping up there deal with the community.  A lawn is something that represents a person, a house and a neighborhood.  Just because you are feeling lazy, those around you shouldn't have to deal with the lazy vibe you are contributing to their community.  Secondly, a good lawn is a representation of a healthy life (activity, conscious caring, well groomed).  Those who do not mow their lawn are missing out and subtracting from the experiences of those around them.

5)  Enjoy things found around you.

Beauty does not have to be searched for, it can be found anywhere and in anything.  By taking the time to appreciate what you have surrounding you, it adds a sense of deserve.  Why were you picked to be in such a beautiful place? There must be a reason for it, and even if there isn't, embrace it.

6)  Those who can't accept you for you aren't worth it.

So many people spend their time worrying about what others will think of them, but the fact of the matter is that those people will miss out on knowing a great person.  Who really wants to be friends with an un-accepting person anyways?  Why form yourself to fit someone who won't do the same for you? To me, that defeats the purpose of a relationship (something we're all striving for).

7)  Take time away from your phone.

When I go out to dinner, I look around me and see every family on their phone.  This is the saddest sight, simply because we have reached a point where we're not satisfied with the ones we love.  The point of dinner is communication and bonding time.  This is impossible if everyone is constantly updating their twitter and facebook.  

8)  Eat.

Food is, I'd argue, the main necessity of life.  It gives us energy, nutrients and pleasure.  By feeding your body (well!) things will start to find their place in life.  If you are bored, eating will take care of that.  If you are tired, food will take care of that.  If you are hungry, food will take care of that.  People in America have so many eating disorders because they can't accept that they will not look like those people on TV, ever, and they lose track of their biological priorities.  The world would be a happier place if everyone ate anything they wanted, and hopefully we will move away from processed "food" and spend the saved technology money on feeding those around us who can't feed themselves.  

9)  Take time to yourself.

You are the only person that you will interact with every minute of every day of your life, I think it's important for you to get to know yourself.  Take time to sit, relax and read the thoughts of your mind.  Take time away from everything around you, we all know how hectic everything can get.  You are the only person who can shape your life, take time to realize what molding you'd like to follow.

10)  Drink water and wear sunscreen.

The body is an amazing thing.  The different reactions, shapes, sizes and looks can't be found in any other container and the diversity is amazing.  You only get one body in your life, and it's your responsibility to treat it right.  Drink water, wear sunscreen.  Rejuvenate and protect what you have, and never take anything for granted.